Tag Archives: sebadoh


I have a hangover, I’m not proud of it but it was the spoils of a work related function where the booze was complimentary, following the event which is of absolutely no interest here, myself and a couple of colleagues wound up in a hotel bar in West London drinking until the small hours. We took a cab back to south London, according to one colleague I insulted the driver, of this I’ve no recollection but I do recall having a whiteout in a vehicle and the other colleague vomiting what looked like blood and diced papaya onto the pavement. I had to take him back to my flat, he was completely incapacitated.

Forgive the short piqued, I feel dreadful today.


But briefly, what isn’t good for a hangover is seeing that fucking moron Jordan in all the fucking tabloids at the British Book Awards. What the fucking sweet Christ is that cunt doing there? She’s not written anything for fucks sake. It’s like me going on page 3 showing off my tits.