Daily Archives: August 13, 2008


Sorry about the lack of post yesterday. I’m sure you were gutted.

I had a meeting in town for a splendid charity event taking place shortly, would love to say more but I doubt the organisation in hand would enjoy this connection, albeit spurious. Having said that they might.

Due to the location of this fucking office I was forced to leave from and return to my flat before biking into the office after lunch. For the next 3 or so hours I was so idiotically busy I didn’t have enough time to check emails properly let alone do a piqued.

I wasn’t particularly inspired anyway, IC has gone for 3 weeks (3 of the bastards, actually, it’s now 2 and a half weeks, but whose counting eh? (me)). Still, I’m living an action packed life; well I will be starting from tonight, sort of. Seeing my Bro in Clapham for a pints, Frank the day after, Friday is unclear but Saturday, oh sweet Christ Saturday… and that’s all I shall say on the matter for now, I will say this though, Saturday.

Whilst the evening of Friday may be contentious the day is a different story. The contract that I’ve been shitting matter about for the last few weeks is to be confirmed in our favour or not as the case may be. I can’t stress this enough, if it’s the latter I’m so fucked I’ll have to seek employment elsewhere. Whilst you may be thinking ‘so what?’ or even ‘good, ah ha’ (or something) there is a very real consequence with regard to this blog. Simply, it just wont be possible to do it anymore. Yeah, think on…

Some cunts have added some additional material to How the Good Look Naked, link right, surely it’s illegal?

I’ve no time to search for no pussy ass clip y’all.



(I’m black and proud btw)